Dear Egyptian Magic

“From my heart I thank Lord Pharaoh for his truly magical Egyptian Magic. I am extremely choosy about what creams I use to nurture my skin 1) It must be the best quality and natural ingredients 2) It must have great energy as everything we take into our body especially through the skin enters our consciousness as well. This cream is called Magic and it is. I literally feel light coming from it and it creates so much softness in my skin it literally felt like an overnight miracle. When I first used it, my elbows were as soft as when I was a teenager. I recommend this cream to everyone who not only wishes to have beautiful skin on the outside but also from the inside where it counts.”

Dobavitelj za Slovenijo

Globaling d.o.o.
Podvin 217
3310 Žalec

G: 041 735 874

O kremi Egyptian Magic

Krema Egyptian Magic je bila v začetku 90-ih let lokalna uspešnica, ki se je v 25 letih razširila po vsem svetu. Zanimivo je, da se je to zgodilo skoraj brez oglaševanja. Sloves kreme se še vedno širi od ust do ust – na ta način je prišla tudi v Slovenijo. Več...