Egyptian Magic is that miracle cream…

“Egyptian Magic is that miracle cream you search for all your life and once you find it there’s no turning back. I try a lot of products from lotions and creams to skin treatments and more (it’s one of the great perks of the biz). However, so many “it” creams can be torture for the skin. When I tried Egyptian Magic, my skin was moisturized, glowing and blemish free. And, the best part, I can use it for multiple uses for my skin and hair…so it saves me time, money and space (when I travel)!”

Dobavitelj za Slovenijo

Globaling d.o.o.
Podvin 217
3310 Žalec

G: 041 735 874

O kremi Egyptian Magic

Krema Egyptian Magic je bila v začetku 90-ih let lokalna uspešnica, ki se je v 25 letih razširila po vsem svetu. Zanimivo je, da se je to zgodilo skoraj brez oglaševanja. Sloves kreme se še vedno širi od ust do ust – na ta način je prišla tudi v Slovenijo. Več...